Designing the Perfect Bedroom for a Good Night’s Rest

By Mario Esposito
Last Updated: August 13, 2018

Making your bedroom an ideal sleeping space doesn’t always have to mean an expensive redesign. Sometimes a change of color palette, or even simply rearranging furniture pieces around the room can do wonders! Adding small, affordable touches can also dramatically improve the environment around your bed.

Don’t know where to start? We’re here to help! After all, a good night’s rest starts good sleep hygiene—and good sleep hygiene isn’t complete without a good sleeping environment. Check out the articles below for ideas and tips.


5 Bedroom Lighting Tips for Better Sleep

Bedroom lighting normally consists of window treatments to control natural light, as well as artificial light sources like overhead fixtures and lamps. Several light sources in one bedroom is par for the course, but they are not commonly placed there with better sleep in mind. Rather, lighting management usually takes cues from waking hours and habits. This is a mindset that needs to be changed, because the effects of light exposure on sleep health are immense! Yes, you can stick to just using your trusty sleep mask night after night; but why limit yourself to that Here are a few bedroom lighting design tips for the sleep-deprived.


10 Feng Shui Tips for a Good Night’s Rest

What is feng shui? Simply put, it’s an ancient Chinese practice that involves placing and arranging furniture in a space to maintain proper balance of energy, otherwise known as chi. This collection of design rules is actually more about spiritual practicality–as contradictory as that may sound—than it is about style or aesthetics. You may be asking: Why is it so important to encourage good chi flow around the house, especially in your bedroom? It has to do with the fact that your home is your dwelling, sanctuary—and ultimately, a representation of yourself. On top of being an extension of your being and a symbol of how you relate to aspects of your life, your home is likely the place where you spend most of your time, awake or not. The good kind of chi attracts and promotes similarly positive qualities in your emotional, financial, mental, physical, social and sleep health. Here are 10 tips to add a touch to feng shui to your bedroom.


10 Interior Design Hacks for Better Sleep

Thinking of sleep health as a top priority is a habit that must first be learned, and then constantly reinforced. Learning is the hard part, and for some with extreme difficulties it may require seeing a sleep specialist; though we have articles that can help if you’re just curious and mildly sleep deprived. In comparison, reinforcement is easier to set up. One of the best ways to do this is to make sure that your sleeping surroundings are ideal. Where we sleep—and, in turn, the environment and energy therein—affects how we sleep immensely. Want to make your bedroom more conducive to better and more restorative sleep, but don’t know where to start? In this article are some bedroom interior design hacks that you can check out. Some of them may feel like common sense—because they should be—but some might surprise you.


5 Noise Reduction Tips for Better Sleep

When someone designs a bedroom, it is done with both comfort and visual aesthetics in mind. Even contemporary interpretations of age-old practices such as feng shui or vastu shastra typically align with this two-pronged approach. However, a non-visual component of comfort is very often overlooked: sound. Whether or not you’re a light sleeper, sound influences the way you sleep! Studies have shown this to be true. It may make sense to think of sound as being an issue only if it keeps you from sleeping or if it wakes you up in the middle of the night—and let’s be honest, these are already pretty big issues—but even noises you sleep through can be detrimental to sleep and overall health. The next time you’re up for re-arranging furniture or feel like doing some light re-decorating, keep sound in mind! You’d be surprised at what just a few adjustments can do to improve your bedroom in terms of minimizing unwanted sounds. Here are a few bedroom design tips that will keep the noise down.


10 Things That Shouldn’t Be in Your Bedroom

Spoiler: You’re probably not going to love this list. We don’t like it, and we’re the ones that put it together! Telling someone what shouldn’t be part of their own little world feels like trespassing somewhere we don’t belong. Your bedroom is your humble hideaway, your private place, your safe sanctuary—we get it. Change is difficult, especially when it involves a radical rearrangement of your prime comfort zone. All of this doesn’t change the fact that this list is based on what will help you practice and maintain healthy sleep habits. Some of what you will read may make you uncomfortable because you disagree, but after the initial disconnect, you might hear a small voice of doubt at the back of your mind. Listen to it! There’s no harm in trying to follow this list. If it doesn’t work for you, then you can go back to what is comfortable. Look at it this way. If you want to level up your sleep game, some compromises need to be made! In the end, we’re confident that you will find that less clutter and less distractions do make for a more relaxing bedroom experience.